Blog Archive
TWB Tea Time Series
We are so excited to announce our Spring Tea Time Series! Throughout this series we hope to connect you with several of our team leaders based in Rwanda. Our Tea Time Series will consist of three 30-minute Zoom sessions, each on a different topic of interest.
Happy International Women's Month!
At the Women’s Bakery, we are committed to celebrating women all day, everyday! Since this month is International Women’s Month, we would like to recognize the hard work of our whole team and the community of strong women that support our efforts internationally year round! Find out how we are celebrating here.
Flour Power
In 2020, the whole world witnessed disruptions to the global supply chain. The cost of staple goods were influx, and things that we took for granted at the grocery store - like yeast - were suddenly missing from the shelves. These shortages led The Women’s Bakery to look inwards and assess our inventory. As a result, we identified and streamlined our processes on procuring ingredients in bulk by thinking on our feet and adapting to a new normal!
Financial Freedom Trainings
Alongside education and health, we have prioritized a focus on economic opportunity as a gateway to women’s empowerment. Over the years, The Women’s Bakery has implemented several initiatives to create economic opportunities, such as ensuring that every single woman has a bank account. Read more about what we covered at the latest financial literacy training here!
New Year, New Records
In 2020, The Women’s Bakery sold over 712,000 units of bread! Despite the challenges that the year brought forth and weeks of bakery closures, we shattered many of our own records. Find out how many kilograms of bread equates to 712,000 units by reading the full story!
Caring during COVID
The start of the new year brought new restrictions in Rwanda. The Women’s Bakery continues to adjust to ensure we can serve our nutritious, affordable bread to local communities. Read about Kigali being designated an essential business and how we’ve adapted to the operating climate in 2021.
Opening Doors of Opportunity for Women and Their Families
Yvonne takes a moment to celebrate the extraordinary strides of the social impact team, such as the buildout of baby houses to support working moms, the provision of health insurance, and financial training programs. These initiatives have opened (previously inaccessible) doors of opportunity for strong women baking bread.
Staying Healthy, Staying Connected
As a Kigali native and a young leader within a women-centered organization, Francoise is inspired daily by the operations growth her team continues to achieve and by the social impact The Women’s Bakery is having on Rwandan women. In her own words, Francoise shares the ways her team demonstrates the immeasurable impact empowered women have on their communities.
Becoming a "Superhero Mom"
Gicumbi Program Manager, Charlotte, reflects on the opportunities gainful employment has presented in her and other bakers' lives, including the ability to pay for their children's daily meals, school fees, and becoming a mirror of possibility for her 5-year-old daughter, Teta. "Teta calls me a 'Superhero Mom'", Charlotte writes. And this is why.
A Team That Proves Women Can Do Anything
After attending college abroad, Tessa returned to Rwanda, joined The Women’s Bakery and now leads the ambitous Ruyenzi bakery team. Tessa “see[s] the Ruyenzi bakery being a model of success within The Women’s Bakery”. Learn how Ruyenzi has come to thrive.
At The Women’s Bakery, we are always looking to expand our impact and refine our bakery model. This includes process improvement and increasing output at each of our bakeries. We are deeply grateful to have Rademaker’s Rob van Erven share his expertise with TWB and help us do just this. Hear from our Program Manager’s about the impact of Rob’s contributions.
Iranzi Clinic Visits
Health insurance matters. No matter where you live in the world, access to medical care changes the trajectory of your life. TWB provides health insurance for all bakers and their families - but it’s not enough. Women bakers need access to accurate reproductive and maternal care. Learn about the solution driven by Yvonne, TWB’s Social Impact Program Manager.
Baking More Bread in the Same Time
Bread sales in Rwanda are increasing! This is great news and shows that the model is working. Increased sales means increased bread baking (a.k.a. production). How does a bakery bake more bread in the same number of hours? By becoming more efficient.
Aurore Speaks on the Importance of Self-Care
At The Women’s Bakery, we encourage each other to take care of ourselves, especially in such uncertain, ever-changing times. In this blog posts, Aurore, Flagship Operations Manager, shares her thoughts on self-care.
Decidedly Different: Revolutionizing Business as a Tool for Social Good
Our model at The Women’s Bakery is unique. As a social enterprise, we bridge the gap between the for-profit and nonprofit sectors. We aim to revolutionize business as a tool for social good, and this is how.
Mark Your Calendar! TWB's Virtual Trivia Night: August 20, 2020
The Women’s Bakery invites you to an evening of trivia on Thursday, August 20th from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm MDT! We’re hosting a virtual trivia night to connect with each other and raise funds to provide health insurance for our strong women baking bread - read more in our blog post and follow the link to RSVP!
Meet Gicumbi Bakery Operations Manager, Charlotte!
We are excited to announce our newest Program Manager at the bakery in Gicumbi: Charlotte Musengimana! Get to know Charlotte and read why she is passionate about her role at The Women’s Bakery.
The Next Normal: Adapting Programming During Covid-19
Our Whole Woman Programming is modifying to fit the changing circumstances that a pandemic presents. Find out how Ruth Uwera (pictured), Social Impact Officer, successfully adapted mental health counseling with bravery and grace.
Neighbourhood Bakes
Read about The Women’s Bakery’s collaboration with Neighbourhood Bakes, a bakery in London!