Blog Archive
Phased Re-Opening of Bakeries Beginning May 7, 2020
As of May 7, 2020, our Flagship bakery in Kigali is open with limited hours of operation. Please read our blog post to learn what, when, and how you can order at this time
2019 Video Recap: A Year of Social Impact
Thanks to YOU The Women’s Bakery experienced tremendous success in 2019, particularly through the steps we took to further empower the lives of our women bakers.
Uncovering Hope
In times of uncertainty, it can be easy to fall into a feeling of helplessness. But have hope: there are examples of strength everywhere. Read our blog post to hear the good news within our organization and around the world.
Update from Rwanda
Now more than ever, we are reminded that in our unity there is strength; in our hardship there is compassion and kindness; in uncertainty there is resilience to see our mission through.
Read our important update from Rwanda regarding COVID-19.
COVID-19 Coronavirus Update
A message from CEO Markey Culver regarding COVID-19 Coronavirus.
2019 in Review
Thank you for your contribution to a wildly successful 2019! Please join us in celebrating The Women’s Bakery’s most noteworthy highlights.
Gender Equality Training at Gicumbi Bakery
“I am going to love and trust myself” -Gicumbi baker.
Learn more about the Paper Crown Rwanda training at the Gicumbi bakery last fall, where strong women baking bread discussed gender equality and how to transform gender norms.
Measuring Social Impact
We want our strong women baking bread to achieve positive change economically and socially. Read about the home visit process, which provides which provides an in-depth look at how increases in income are so important.
What does bread power mean?
For one TWB manager, bread power is a way of life. Tessa Soni manages the bakeries in Gicubmi and Ruyenzi. Her commitment is inspirational, and also sheds light on why we must invest in women at all levels of the bakery.
Why Women?
When people ask me “Why women?” I am often perplexed, discouraged and frustrated. Are we still having this conversation? Yes, yes we are. And we must continue to have this conversation.
The Women's Bakery 2.0
For me, our fifth year marks the beginning of a new chapter for us: The Women’s Bakery 2.0.
Eat, Dance, Laugh, Share: How TWB Does Transitions
Here’s to the continued eating, dancing, laughing, sharing of stories, and to all of team TWB!
Enriching Our World
I believe that as global citizens we must get to know and understand each other.
Hope in These Troubled Times
am so pleased to financially support The Women’s Bakery - which promotes health and happiness, and real hope, in these troubled times.
The Next Chapter of The Women's Bakery
In times of change we reflect on the past and plan for the future. Making sense of what we have been through is important in growing the business.
When a Logo is a Celebration
There were a few dances where women would stretch out their arms, sort of roll their wrists and point their fingertips up, and then sway/stomp from side to side.