Blog Archive
The Power of Two
TWB is built on the spirit of working together as a team. Our team works together really well, and women beneficiaries work together in our respective bakeries because we believe in the power of two.
Barriers to Accessing Healthcare in Rwanda
This year, a total of eight women, four husbands, and thirty children will be registered for national healthcare. Thank you to all of our supporters who believe it what we do, the women we work with, and the families and communities they support. We couldn’t do it without you.
Marketing Challenges in Rwanda: Nutrition vs. Size
As part of our team wraps up an Acumen Course called Marketing to the Bottom of the Pyramid, we hope to increase our understanding of our target customers, and learn how to best market our products to them in a way that resonates and turns potential buyers into regular buyers of our quality, nutritious breads.
Transcending Culture
"Baking, however, is something that transcends culture and language. It’s something that needs only showing, no telling, to share the activity." - TWB Intern, Emily Sturtavant
Why Bread for Breakfast?
Here is the good news - when you take TWB breads for breakfast you are assured that you have eaten a healthful breakfast option. TWB breads are nutritious breads, made using locally available products, and are sold at an affordable price.
"If You Look, You Will Go Far"
As a woman who has experienced empowerment myself, working with women who need to be empowered is my dream. The opportunity to work with The Women’s Bakery in Rwanda has been truly incredible, and I am able to take part in my dream job.
Healthy Bakers = Happy Bakers
In Remera, Kigali part of the benefit package for the women working in the bakery is Mutuelle coverage for their whole families. Last week, women were provided funds to sign-up their families. For approximately $160, we were able to insure eight women and their families.
Third Time's A Charm
On Tuesday our Training Facilitators, Aime and Denyse, rolled (no pun intended) into training at the Togetherness Co-op in Ndera, Gasabo District (about 45 minutes outside Kigali). Thanks to the sponsorship of our hiring partner African Road, 12 women and 4 men will be trained over the next few months. This marks our third official training in Rwanda!

Partnering with Sophie & the U.S. Peace Corps
Get a behind-the-scenes look at our newest partnership, with the U.S. Peace Corps. This partnership was facilitated by Peace Corps Volunteer, Sophie Hart. Following the launch of the new bakery, TWB spoke with Sophie about her experiences with the program and how she believes the community bakery can provide both education and economic opportunity for all.
"Even here, we eat breads."
Bread should be available to everyone – with nutritional value – and this belief guides our everyday work for The Women’s Bakery.
See, Think, Understand, Do.
“Some people see, think, and go…Others see, think, understand, and try to do something.”
Road-tripping with TWB
Educating, sharing, and promoting our work is on the rise - and we're going anywhere and everywhere to talk about it! #riseup #sharetheloaf
TWB: A Life-Long School
For Yvonne, the opportunity to work and intern with TWB had given her the opportunity to continue to learn - and to share this knowledge with others,
Technology & The Future of Bakery Sales for TWB
Following three intensive days of collaboration, innovation, and pitches by nearly 15 professionals across professional sectors in Denver for the Posner Center Hackathon, TWB was selected as the winner and recipient for funds to implement the prototype application.
Bread in the Hills
Committed to combating malnutrition, team TWB is expanding training outside of Kigali and venturing into new, rural communities in the Western Province of Rwanda.
Carrot Bread...Really?!
Bringing a nutritious, delicious product to Kigali's bread market. Carrots included!
Defying Cultural Boundaries
The boundaries of maps may indicate political designations, but as the work of TWB engages us further with different aspects of culture, I realize more and more that boundaries are quite fluid – particularly in the realm of international development and women.
Teach a Woman, Feed a Nation
“You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.” —Brigham Young
Yvonne's Dreams
Yvonne is a new intern with TWB - and she has big dreams for where she is going.