Blog Archive
We are Strong Women Baking Bread
I am humbled by what this idea has become and have been honored to be a part of its development. We are Strong Women Baking Bread – and I look forward to seeing this continue to grow, revolutionize, and change the world.
The Best Solution Against Malnutrition in East Africa
Have you ever meet with a child who is affected by malnutrition disease?
If yes, how did you feel? If no, what could you do to avoid it?
Bread Power in Texas - Part II
This is what can happen when people who believe in empowering women set out to do just that.
Bread Power in Texas
Through all of our fundraising, bread baking, profit shares, and generous donations by local Aggie-affiliated groups, TWB A&M raised $2,000 (double our goal!), which will go directly into our scholarship through TWB and fully fund two women through the trainings.
The Road Less Traveled
The work of TWB is not easy and its approach is on the road less traveled. However, TWB’s methods are effective and working to create systemic sustainable impact in the lives of its employees and their families.
The Story Behind the Curriculum
With accreditation, TWB is a viable option for women who cannot attend University and may not fit the mold elsewhere. We bring together vocational skill development with knowledge, exploration, and community.
This is the beauty of education and we look forward to the journey as we continue to innovate, discover, and grow with our bakeries. #breadpower
It's Going to Go Big
It is not just bread rising in the bakery; it is community and empowerment.
Harvard's 19th Annual Social Enterprise Conference
Social enterprise celebrates multiple bottom-lines and I am grateful to be a part of a company that is pushing this possibility forward.
TWB Rwanda's 2nd Annual Team Retreat
The main purpose of the retreat was to review how 2017 went what we want 2018 to look like. This was achieved through presentations on organizational culture, alignment, project reports, and updates on marketing plans, curriculum updates, and model adaptations.
Markey's Ted Talk Now Available for Streaming
Last year, in October, Markey delivered a Ted Talk as part of TedxGateway Arch in St. Louis. In her talk, Markey shared about her story in launching The Women's Bakery and also, how we can all reimagine the power of bread.
Happiness Through Bread
This generates bread power, where bread can effect positive changes in the lives of many. I see happiness in many of the aspects of our work – even with the challenges – and that continues to motivate me each and every day.
Permagardens & Peanut Butter
If there is anything I have learned about my experience working at TWB it is that women’s empowerment and education can be used to combat food insecurity and malnutrition in the home.
Why Giving Matters: An Inside Look at TWB's Approach
If you are inspired and would like to support our work, you can join us in our Crowdrise Campaign that is eligible for matching funds from Newman’s Own Foundation. Every gift matters and makes a difference. That’s bread power.
The Power of a Product
Our dry bread mix is not just a mix in a box. It’s a powerful product, one that will not only support the women we work with in East Africa, but also support women that we will, in the future, work with in the United States.
Baking More Than Bread
The Women’s Bakery truly bakes more than just bread, it builds and encourages women to empower themselves, and helps them realize that they’ve always had the power to do so.
How to Exist in Ambiguity – and Make It Work
We, as a team have to boldly move forward in spaces that we don’t always have the answers for. We have to try new ways to deliver business education and in turn, new ways to run our ownership model for these businesses.
Trip to Bukoba
Last week, the TWB team went to Tanzania where we conducted a baseline survey to a group of women in Bukoba who went through our pilot training in 2015. This survey was completed to receive updates on the economic and social situations of these past graduates.
Education Must Matter
At The Women’s Bakery, education is the foundation for all that we do. We believe that a foundational education, one that can be applied in real, practical ways, can lend opportunities for gainful, sustainable employment, and opportunities for health.
Here's Why
What stood out about TWB was that their model is focused on creating long-lasting opportunities for women through training in a specific skill, while building and maintaining strong social and professional relationships with the women they train. The TWB team is genuinely interested in the success of each women in their program. Here’s why. Instead of turning to historical “Band-Aid” approaches of development, TWB offers opportunities for women to transform their lives.