Blog Archive

US Programs Meg North US Programs Meg North

Testing, Testing

While we aren’t ready to build a bakery in the U.S., we are paving the runway for a kick ass variety of dry bread mixes for healthful snack. Choosing our product will help to support our work in the U.S. and Rwanda.

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Hilary Hilsabeck Hilary Hilsabeck

“The Women’s Bakery? What’s that?”

Now, as the The Women’s Bakery Program Manager, I am looking forward to managing all existing and upcoming bakery projects in Rwanda, including overseeing trainings, problem solving with the wicked smart TWB team, and empowering women through business training, education and health promotion. I feel so lucky to have this role. This week I hit the ground running with bakery visits, team meetings, strategizing solutions and, of course, eating bread!

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Heather Newell Heather Newell

How to Exist in Ambiguity – and Make It Work

We, as a team have to boldly move forward in spaces that we don’t always have the answers for. We have to try new ways to deliver business education and in turn, new ways to run our ownership model for these businesses.

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Yvonne Mukamutara Yvonne Mukamutara

Real Impact on Women

Through working at a bakery, our hope is that women can build and invest in social networks to prevent future violence. We have installed my position of Bakery Operations Manager (BOM) to serve as much more to the women – a leader, a counselor, and a mentor – with the hope that women have a safe place to discuss challenges they face in society.

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Heather Newell Heather Newell

Education Must Matter

At The Women’s Bakery, education is the foundation for all that we do. We believe that a foundational education, one that can be applied in real, practical ways, can lend opportunities for gainful, sustainable employment, and opportunities for health.

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Heather Newell Heather Newell

Fresh Beets & Carrots for TWB Gardens

At TWB, we are hoping to implement bakery gardens at all sites where fresh vegetables can be the harvested and used directly for their baked goods.

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Heather Newell Heather Newell

Why I Support TWB

Finally, I support TWB because they support empathy, that is, the ability to see, feel, hear, know, and care for one another, through a shared human experience.

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Heather Newell Heather Newell

Rwanda: A Land of a Thousand Women

During my visit, I realized many other women like them come from all over the world and are determined to stay and work in Rwanda, rather than enjoy the more comfortable life in their own countries. Together they are creating values; they are making this country a better place. I admired their courage, faith and power.

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Julie Greene Julie Greene

Social Justice. Everywhere. For All.

As I sit here thousands of miles away from a heightened need in the US, I remind myself that even though I am not there fighting the current battle on the ground, it does not diminish the overall battle I, and so many others, are fighting for social justice across the entire world. 

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Guest User Guest User

So, Tell Me More

Last week, two TWB staff and Global Health Corps (GHC) alums, Aime and Meg, attended an East Africa GHC leadership summit in Nyamata, Rwanda to reconnect and share experiences with other co-fellows and staff from different parts of the world. 

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Heather Newell Heather Newell

Let’s invest in education for a bright future!

Jeanne D’Arc is now facilitating TWB in baking sessions and in marketing breads in the neighborhood community with the current Ndera trainee group. Though the bakery in Ndera has yet to open, many people are already coming to buy and taste the breads. Jeanne D’Arc is helping trainees to improve their sales pitches and boost-up their confidence in selling.  

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Markey Culver Markey Culver

TWB Team Retreat

I am continuously awed by my team. Here’s to building TWB and changing the world, one piece of bread at a time. 

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Markey Culver Markey Culver

Looking Ahead

Why do sustainable bakeries matter? Sustainable bakeries provide a group of women with consistent and growing incomes. That’s job security. And it’s also opportunity. Women can rely on their work at the bakeries and choose where, when, and how to invest their earnings. Sustainable bakeries provide suppliers (farmers) and buyers (shop-keepers) consistent business. That’s micro-economic activity that can self-improve and correct.  Sustainable bakeries also provide community members consistent access to nutritious bread. That’s Good business.

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Guest User Guest User

The Power of Two

TWB is built on the spirit of working together as a team. Our team works together really well, and women beneficiaries work together in our respective bakeries because we believe in the power of two.

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Julie Greene Julie Greene

Marketing Challenges in Rwanda: Nutrition vs. Size

As part of our team wraps up an Acumen Course called Marketing to the Bottom of the Pyramid, we hope to increase our understanding of our target customers, and learn how to best market our products to them in a way that resonates and turns potential buyers into regular buyers of our quality, nutritious breads. 

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Julie Greene Julie Greene

Bread in the Hills

Committed to combating malnutrition, team TWB is expanding training outside of Kigali and venturing into new, rural communities in the Western Province of Rwanda. 

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Julie Greene Julie Greene

Yvonne's Dreams

Yvonne is a new intern with TWB - and she has big dreams for where she is going. 

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