Blog Archive
Knowledge Sharing at TWB
At TWB, we believe that transformation can truly happen once women can transfer the skills and knowledge they gained to their children or their neighbor.
That is now happening.
A Proud Walk
“ Then… now we are just getting started,” one of the women said as she reflected on how far TWB has come. Indeed, we are just getting started.
A Real Sign of Success
I stood back and realized that this was the best thing that could happen – the women were now better at baking than I was. The women were teaching me how to make bread! If this isn’t a sign of success, I don’t know what is. And it is a testament to both the women and our incredible TWB team.
Global Health Corps Fellowship with TWB
Now, as Nutrition Coordinator for The Women’s Bakery, I am working on nutrition and health programming at bakeries in Kigali and beyond. I am so enthusiastic to see the impact The Women’s Bakery is having in the communities of which we work.
Kagina & AsOne Ministries
As an intern with TWB, experiencing the AsOne Bakery training was one of the most valuable experiences I had while in Rwanda.
Everyone Is A Teacher
I’m in awe of the tenacity and commitment that this kind of work requires. Small business development is hard anywhere, but the women we work with are making it happen.
So, Tell Me More
Last week, two TWB staff and Global Health Corps (GHC) alums, Aime and Meg, attended an East Africa GHC leadership summit in Nyamata, Rwanda to reconnect and share experiences with other co-fellows and staff from different parts of the world.
Sharing Knowledge
We don’t want to just build bakeries in Rwanda, we want to build an ecosystem of community and support across our bakeries, allowing TWB bakers to share ideas with each other, collaborate, trouble shoot challenges, and encourage each other with successes. TWB graduates are able to share their knowledge and experiences with each other, and with current trainees.
Third Time's A Charm
On Tuesday our Training Facilitators, Aime and Denyse, rolled (no pun intended) into training at the Togetherness Co-op in Ndera, Gasabo District (about 45 minutes outside Kigali). Thanks to the sponsorship of our hiring partner African Road, 12 women and 4 men will be trained over the next few months. This marks our third official training in Rwanda!
Teach a Woman, Feed a Nation
“You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.” —Brigham Young
Christmas in Kigali
TWB reflects on Christmas, holiday traditions in Rwanda, and hopes for the new year.